Dos Batch File Commands Delete

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Complete List of MS DOS Commands. DOS commands are the commands available in MS DOS that are used to interact with the operating system and other command line based software. Unlike in Windows, DOS commands are the primary way in which you use the operating system. In a DOS batch file we can only have 1 line if statement body I think I found somewhere that I could use for an if block just like the used in Clike programming. Appendix N. Converting DOS Batch Files to Shell Scripts. Quite a number of programmers learned scripting on a PC running DOS. Even the crippled DOS batch file. A batch file is a text file, with BAT as the extension, that contains DOS commands. The operating system executes each of the commands in the batch file if they are. How to Write a Batch File. A batch file contains a series of DOS commands, and is commonly written to automate frequently performed tasks. Instead of typing the same. A batch file is a kind of script file in DOS, OS2 and Microsoft Windows. It consists of a series of commands to be executed by the commandline interpreter, stored. Microsoft DOS, MSDOS, and Windows command line help and information with all available commands since the first release of MSDOS, examples, and syntax. Merge-Text-(.Txt)-Files-in-Command-Prompt-Step-4-Version-3.jpg' alt='Dos Batch File Commands Delete File' title='Dos Batch File Commands Delete File' />The basics of how to construct a batch file in Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 is described. There are nearly 100 DOS commands available in MSDOS that are used to communicate with the operating system. Learn more about these commands. Windows and other modern OSs use a graphics based system designed for touch or a mouse. DOS Commands in Windows If you use Windows like Windows 1. DOS commands because you dont have MS DOS. The commands in Windows are available from the Command Prompt and are called Command Prompt commands or CMD commands, but they are not DOS commands. Instead, check out my List of Windows CMD Commands for all of the command line options you have available to you in Windows. I also created a command comparison table to show which commands are available in different Microsoft operating systems. Below is a complete list of the nearly 1. MS DOS commands, commonly referred to as just DOS commands, available as of MS DOS 6. Command. Description. Append. The append command can be used by programs to open files in another directory as if they were located in the current directory. Attrib. The attrib command is used to change the attributes of a single file or a directory. Break. The break command sets or clears extended CTRLC checking on DOS systems. Call. The call command is used to run a script or batch program from within another script or batch program. The call command has no effect outside of a script or batch file. In other words, running the call command at the MS DOS prompt will do nothing. Cd. The cd command is the shorthand version of the chdir command. Chcp. The chcp command displays or configures the active code page number. Chdir. The chdir command is used to display the drive letter and folder that you are currently in. Chdir can also be used to change the drive andor directory that you want to work in. Chkdsk. The chkdsk command often referred to as check disk, is used to identify and correct certain hard drive errors. Choice. The choice command is used within a script or batch program to provide a list of choices and return the value of that choice to the program. Cls. The cls command clears the screen of all previously entered commands and other text. Command. The command command starts a new instance of the command. Copy. The copy command does simply that it copies one or more files from one location to another. Ctty. The ctty command is used to change the default input and output devices for the system. Date. The date command is used to show or change the current date. Dblspace. The dblspace command is used to create or configure Double. Space compressed drives. Manager Wordpress Plugin here. Debug. The debug command starts Debug, a command line application used to test and edit programs. Defrag. The defrag command is used to defragment a drive you specify. The defrag command is the command line version of Microsofts Disk Defragmenter. Del. The del command is used to delete one or more files. The del command is the same as the erase command. Deltree. The deltree command is used to delete a directory and all the files and subdirectories within it. Dir. The dir command is used to display a list of files and folders contained inside the folder that you are currently working in. The dir command also displays other important information like the hard drives serial number, the total number of files listed, their combined size, the total amount of free space left on the drive, and more. Diskcomp. The diskcomp command is used to compare the contents of two floppy disks. Diskcopy. The diskcopy command is used to copy the entire contents of one floppy disk to another. Doskey. The doskey command is used to edit command lines, create macros, and recall previously entered commands. Dosshell. The dosshell command starts DOS Shell, a graphical file management tool for MS DOS. The dosshell command was only available up to MS DOS 6. MS DOS 6. 2. 2 installations were upgrades from previous versions so the dosshell command is usually still available. Drvspace. The drvspace command is used to create or configure Drive. Space compressed drives. Drive. Space, executed using the drvspace command, is an updated version of Double. Space.  Drive. Space is an updated version of Double. Space, executed using the dblspace command. Echo. The echo command is used to show messages, most commonly from within script or batch files. The echo command can also be used to turn the echoing feature on or off. Edit. The edit command starts the MS DOS Editor tool which is used to create and modify text files. Edlin. The edlin command starts the Edlin tool which is used to create and modify text files from the command line. Edlin was only available up to MS DOS 5. MS DOS 6. 2. 2 was upgraded from 5. Emm. 38. 6The emm. MS DOS access to more than 6. KB of memory. Erase. The erase command is used to delete one or more files. The erase command is the same as the del command. Exit. The exit command is used to end the command. Expand. The expand command is used to extract the files and folders contained in Microsoft Cabinet CAB files. Fasthelp. The fasthelp command provides more detailed information on any of the other MS DOS commands. Fastopen. The fastopen command is used to add a programs hard drive location to a special list stored in memory, potentially improving the programs launch time by removing the need for MS DOS to locate the application on the drive. Fc. The fc command is used to compare two individual or sets of files and then show the differences between them. Fdisk. The fdisk command is used to create, manage, and delete hard drive partitions. Find. The find command is used to search for a specified text string in one or more files. For. The for command is used to run a specified command for each file in a set of files. The for command is most often used within a batch or script file. Format. The format command is used to format a drive in the file system that you specify. Goto. The goto command is used in a batch or script file to direct the command process to a labeled line in the script. Graphics. The graphics command is used to load a program that can print graphics. Help. The help command provides more detailed information on any of the other Command Prompt or MS DOS commands. If. The if command is used to perform conditional functions in a batch file. Interlnk. The interlnk command is used to connect two computers via a serial or parallel connection to share files and printers. Intersvr. The intersvr command is used to start the Interlnk server and to copy Interlnk files from one computer to another. Keyb. The keyb command is used to configure a keyboard for a specific language. Label. The label command is used to manage the volume label of a disk. Lh. The lh command is the shorthand version of the loadhigh command. Loadfix. The loadfix command is used to load the specified program in the first 6. K of memory and then runs the program. Loadhigh. The loadhigh command is used to load a program into high memory and is usually used from within the autoexec. Md. The md command is the shorthand version of the mkdir command. Mem. The mem command shows information about used and free memory areas and programs that are currently loaded into memory in the MS DOS subsystem. Memmaker. The memmaker command is used to start Mem. Maker, a memory optimization tool. Mkdir. The mkdir command is used to create a new folder. Mode. The mode command is used to configure system devices, most often COM and LPT ports.